1. to advance in life and help young people aged 30 or under, who are lesbian, gay or bisexual, transgender, non-binary or questioning their sexual or gender identity and living in cambridgeshire, peterborough and the surrounding areas through:
a. the provision of recreational and leisure time activities provided in the interest of social welfare, designed to improve their conditions of life
b. providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals
c. the preservation and protection of good physical and mental health d. the advancement of education and training of those in the community who are in need thereof so as to advance them in life and assist them to adapt within the wider community
2. the promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit by:
a. the elimination of discrimination in particular on the grounds of being lesbian, gay or bisexual, transgender or questioning of their sexual gender identity by advancing education and raising awareness in equality and diversity;
b. promoting activities to foster understanding between people from diverse backgrounds (in particular in respect of their being lesbian, gay or bisexual, transgender or questioning of their sexual gender identity); and
c. cultivating a sentiment in favour of equality and diversity.