A) the advancement of the christian faith in oswestry and elsewhere
b) the provision of a place or places of worship and facilities for the use of the community in oswestry and the surrounding areas
c) the promotion and provision for the public benefit of activities to meet social need in oswestry and elsewhere by all or any of the following means:-
i) the relief of property in such ways as may be thought fit;
ii) the relief of unemployment in such ways as may be thought fit, including assistance to find employment
iii) the advancement of education, training or retraining,
iv) the creation of training and employment opportunities by the provision of workspace, buildings and/or land;
v) the provision of childcare;
vi) the provision of support and care to frail, sick or otherwise disadvantaged members of the community including the elderly;
vii) such other means as may from time to time be determined subject to the prior consent of the charity commission for england and wales.