3.1.1 to preach the gospel of jesus christ and to teach the doctrines of the christian faith as set forth in the holy scriptures primarily but not exclusively to the chinese in and around london.
3.1.2 to provide spiritual homes primarily but not exclusively for chinese christians in and around london.
3.1.3 to co-operate with christian churches and societies who doctrinal position agrees with out statement of beliefs.
3.1.4 to further the cause of christ on the mission field worldwide
3.1.5 to provide facilities for the use of the chinese language as well as the english language in worship and in the work of the church
3.1.6 to promote the welfare primarily but not exclusively of chinese in and around london recognising that the gospel of jesus christ ministers to the whole person.
3.2 to relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship or who are aged or sick and to relieve the distress caused thereby in the said location and in such other parts of the untied kingdom or the world as the directors of the charity (hereinafter called ‘the council’) may from time to time think fit.