The Jewish Leadership Council

Fundraise for The Jewish Leadership Council

6. the objects (objects) for which the company is established are:-

(1) to advance the education of the public in the jewish faith and the
customs of the jewish people and the state of israel,

(2) to advance the jewish faith,

(3) to promote equality and diversity for the benefit of the public by:

(a) endeavouring to create and sustain a climate in which religious,
ethnic, cultural and other forms of diversity (in particular those
relating to the jewish community) can be celebrated without
fear of persecution;

(b) representing a range of views including those of the jewish
community to policymakers, funders, service providers and
agencies working in the field;

(c) providing advice and information of sufficient quality to fulfil a
charitable purpose,

(4) to promote religious harmony for the benefit of the public by:

(a) educating christians, hindus, jews, muslims, and sikhs and
adherents to other religions and systems of belief (as recognised
for the purposes of article 9 of the european convention on
human rights and fundamental freedoms), to appreciate each
other’s distinctive beliefs and practices; and

(b) promoting education and research leading to respect for
religious differences between faiths and systems of belief,

(5) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of charities carrying out
charitable purposes for the benefit of the jewish community by:

(a) co-ordinating the efforts of existing charitable and noncharitable
agencies that have the common goal of providing charitable services or relief to the jewish community;

(b) liaising with, and acting as a forum for the exchange of information between, agencies working to provide charitable services or relief to the jewish community in order to identify gaps in the services, overlap or duplication of services, so as to improve delivery of such services to the jewish community;

(c) representing the views of the jewish community to policy makers, funders and service providers;
(d) providing advice and information to agencies working in the field;
(e) providing databases or directories or other sources of information provided that they are of sufficient quality to fulfil a charitable purpose,

(6) such other charitable purposes as the board shall from time to time think fit.

Fundraise for The Jewish Leadership Council

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