Anti-Slavery International

Fundraise for Anti-Slavery International
Our vision and objectives

Anti-Slavery International works to eliminate all forms of modern slavery and slavery-like practices throughout the world.

Slavery still exists today: 40 million people are estimated to be trapped in modern slavery worldwide. 1 in 4 of them are children.

Our vision is to bring freedom for everyone, everywhere, always. Anti-Slavery International’s works collaboratively with international partner organisations and empowers those we work with at the grassroots level to bring about change at the policy level.

Our key objectives are:
• Making ending slavery everyone’s concern
• Act as an ally to survivors and people at risk of slavery, elevating their voice and experience to create radical change
• In collaboration with others, challenge and change law, policy, and practice so everyone, everywhere can be free from slavery.

What we do

In the UK, we lobby the government, help with litigation work on individual cases, advise on modern slavery in corporate supply chains and lead the UK’s efforts to combat trafficking, through The Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG), a membership group of anti-trafficking organisation.

In Africa, we build schools to give children of slave decent education for the first time in Niger, tackle the practice of forced child begging in Senegal, and support child domestic workers in Tanzania and Ghana to escape abuse and build their lives in freedom.

In Mauritania, we support whole communities born into slavery to access their rights, safe and decent work, welfare, and legal protections.

In Asia, we challenge the practice of bonded labour in India, forced labour in the cotton industry in China and Turkmenistan, and protect workers migrating to work in the garment sector.

In Europe, we advocate against all forms of trafficking and exploitation in global supply chains, as well as work on a project with Vietnamese people who are trafficked to the UK for criminal activity.

How you can support Anti-Slavery International:

Young people can support Anti-Slavery International in a great variety of ways:

  1. Learn: Know where modern slavery can exist and how it operates by taking our modern slavery quiz. Sign up to email list to keep in the loop and receive regular updates about our campaigns and partners.
  2. Fundraise: Ask your friends and family to sponsor you and get creative! You could walk 100 miles over a month, give up TV shows for a week or hold an event like a talent show at your school. Get your classmates involved too or even see if your whole school can get involved.
  3. Share: Send information about modern slavery to your friends, families, and teachers, and encourage them to take action too. Ask your teachers or guardian to email us at [email protected] for leaflets and our Reporter Magazine, which you can pass round to others interested in our work.
  4. Follow: Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and follow us. Like and share our posts and encourage your followers to engage as well.
  5. Spot the Signs: Take our test to spot the signs of someone living in modern slavery and find out what to do if you think someone is being exploited.
  6. Write: Use your power as a consumer to talk to businesses that you buy from. How are they making sure their products are not made with modern slavery? Ask your MP how they are engaging with this issue.
  7. Donate: Think about offering some of your pocket money each month to support our partners who help children, just like you, to escape modern slavery across the world.

Anti-Slavery International is most active in these areas:

Decent work and Economic Growth
Responsible Consumption and Production

DONATE TO Anti-Slavery International


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  • Our payment partner, Stripe, deducts a processing fee of 1.2% + 20p from all donations made with a major UK or EU card (other cards, including American Express, may incur higher fees). This goes straight to them (not to SuperKind) and is the lowest fee on the market. 100% of the net amount goes to your chosen charity.