4a. to promote human rights (as set out in the universal declaration of human rights and subsequent unite nations conventions and declarations, the european convention on human rights and the human rights act (1998), with particular reference to the right to liberty and the right to be free form arbitrary detention, throughout the world by all or any of the following means:
= monitoring abuses of human rights;
= obtaining redress for the victims of human rights abuse;
= relieving needs among the victims of human rights abuse;
= research into human rights issues;
= educating the public about human rights;
= contributing to the sound administration of human rights law;
= commenting on proposed human rights legislation;
= raising awareness of human rights issues;
= promoting public support for human rights;
= promoting respect for human rights among individuals and corporations;
= eliminating infringements of human rights.
4b. the relief of the financial needs of those applying for bail under immigration legislation and by providing such persons with other legal and related services.