How you can support Childrens Heart Surgery Fund:
The objects are specifically restricted to the advancement of the relief of sick children and unborn children, and adults with congenital heart conditions, within the area of benefit and in particular, but without limiting the foregoing, the trustees may:
1) provide equipment for medical or nursing treatment in the children's heart unit at the leeds general infirmary (or elsewhere within the area of benefit);
2) provide funds to enable medical, nursing and other health professionals employed or working at or in connection with the children's heart unit at the leeds general infirmary (or elsewhere within the area of benefit) to attend or participate in lectures or courses or educational or training placements in order to improve the professional skills which they exercise in their work and/or to provide such medical, nursing and other health professionals with training materials;
3) provide such additional facilities as may benefit patients at the children's heart unit at the leeds general infirmary (or elsewhere within the area of benefit) and in particular facilities (including financial assistance) to enable the parents or near relatives of patients to be in attendance upon patients during the period of their treatment or care; and
4) provide funding for relevant research.