Deborah Asalu & Jide Olokundun Foundation International

Fundraise for Deborah Asalu & Jide Olokundun Foundation International

(1) the charity’s objects (“objects”) are specifically restricted to the following:

(a) for public benefit, to promote alleviation of poverty around the world through:
• teaching of techniques in agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and poultry
• granting loans for small scale projects and businesses for the very poor to better their lives
• offering of grants and funding of apprenticeship training in various vocations
• financially support orphans, widows and orphanages
• the provision of items (either outright or on loan) such as furniture, bedding, clothing, food, fuel, heating appliances, washing machines and fridges
• payment for services such as essential house decorating, and repairs, laundering, meals on wheels, outings and entertainment, and utilities
• the provision of facilities such as the supply of tools or books, payments of fees for instruction, examination or other expenses connected with vocational training, language, literacy, numerical or technical skills, travelling expenses to help the recipients to earn their living, equipment and funds for recreational pursuits or training intended to bring the quality of life of the beneficiaries to a reasonable standard

(b) for the public benefit, to promote the education (including social and physical training) of people in in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, including by:
awarding to such persons scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants tenable at any school. university, college or institution of higher or further education;
providing their education, to undertake travel in furtherance of that education or to prepare for entry to any occupation, trade or profession on leaving any educational establishment.

(c) for the benefit of the public, to advance christian religion mainly, but not exclusively, by means of publishing or broadcasting messages of an evangelistic and teaching nature, supporting churches, missions, ministries and ministers

(d) for the benefit of the public, to carry out programmes for health promotion and disease prevention, provision of health and medical advice and provision of essential medicines

Fundraise for Deborah Asalu & Jide Olokundun Foundation International

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  • Our payment partner, Stripe, deducts a processing fee of 1.2% + 20p from all donations made with a major UK or EU card (other cards, including American Express, may incur higher fees). This goes straight to them (not to SuperKind) and is the lowest fee on the market. 100% of the net amount goes to your chosen charity.