A) for such purposes in the united kingdom and elsewhere as are now and at any time in the future regarded as charitable in law primarily, but not exclusively, by means of monetary grants to such charitable institutions as the trustees in their absolute discretion shall determine:
i) for the benefit of palestinian refugee children and their families in the middle east who are in necessitous circumstances or, through their economic, social or other circumstances, lack access to facilities for education; or
ii) to provide assistance with capacity-building community projects for the benefit of such persons.
b) the relief of poverty, sickness or the distress arising therefrom of palestinian refugee children and their families, and others of concern to the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east (unwra), in the united kingdom and elsewhere in the world.
c) to advance the education of the public in general about the issues relating to palestinian refugee children and their families and those seeking asylum.