Hull And East Yorkshire Mind

Fundraise for Hull And East Yorkshire Mind

Promote the preservation of mental health and emotional well- being within the whole community by
a) the advancement of education and the provision of facilities and services for social welfare, personal development, recreation and social inclusion, being non-party in politics and non -sectarian in relation, without distinction of race, gender or sexuality.
b) to assist in relieving and rehabilitating vulnerable persons of all description and ages and from all walks of life who are suffering from mental health disorders or suffering from anxiety or emotional or mental distress or developing or at risk of developing mental health disorders or anxiety or emotional or behavioural problems for any reason whatsoever.
c) to carry on for the benefit of the community the business of providing social housing and any associated amenities for persons in necessitous circumstances upon terms appropriate to their means .
d) educate and disseminate information in matters relating to mental health and emotional well being and the preservation and maintenance of mental health and emotional well being to the public at large and to the carers, colleagues, families and friends of vulnerable persons suffering from mental health disorders and or emotional or mental distress or who are developing or at risk of developing mental health disorders and or emotional or behavioural problems for any reason.

Fundraise for Hull And East Yorkshire Mind

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