The charity’s objects (‘objects’) are specifically restricted to the following:
the relief of those in need by reason of gender disadvantage
provide quality, safe, affordable social housing for women and children fleeing domestic violence and abuse
the relief of poverty by the provision of essential items such as furniture, bedding, clothing, food, fuel, heating appliances, washing machines and fridges with the purpose of enabling women to rebuild their lives after suffering domestic violence and abuse
to empower and enable women,
provide support to local women,
promote health and wellbeing for women and children through provision of a safe space in which to live away from domestic violence and abuse
promote best possible life chances for children by offering safe housing away from domestic violence and abuse
build confidence and self-esteem for women,
promote the advancement of education and the preservation and protection of good health,
provide local women with an opportunity to reach their full potential and take control of their own lives,
promote the rights of women and children through active support and advocacy,