3.1.1 the relief of financial hardship among:
a) injured jockeys; and
b) any other persons falling within any of the specified classes in such manner as the trustees in their absolute discretion think fit, provided always that the trustees shall regard persons falling within paragraph (a) above as being their primary concern;
3.1.2 such other charitable purposes as the trustees in their absolute discretion think fit with particular regard to the needs of jockeys and other persons falling within any of the specified classes
3.2 the specified classes are:
3.2.1 any person who has ever been injured at a time when he or she was
a) a licensed jockey; or
b) riding in a race, and
3.2.2 any spouse (including the widow or widower, whether or not re-married), partner, child, dependant member of the family including parents-in-law, or other dependant, of a person falling within clause 3.2.1 above.