The objects of the charitable incorporated organisation are for public benefit, in the geographic
area of and beyond as the trustees may
from time to time determine in accordance with charity law in england and wales, as follows:
(1) to advance the christian faith in accordance with the street pastor license agreement with the “ascension trust” through:
(i) the provision of public pastoral care services to help people on the streets and other public places, giving guidance, support and signposting which assist in preserving public order, avoid anti-social behaviour, relieve sickness and preserve health and by
(ii) enlightening others about christianity through raising awareness and understanding of ecclesiastical relevance to community and public life, mobilizing the church ecumenically to unity of worship and to advance the christian faith by carrying out the mission and outreach work of the gospel for the benefit of the public.
(2) to develop the capacity and skills of socially disadvantaged groups in our community in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society; in particular but not exclusively through raising awareness, promoting, sustaining and increasing individual and collective knowledge, skills and expertise, through the practical development of individual capabilities, competences, skills and understanding through formal training, informal talks and capacity building in voluntary services, according to christian principles and the street pastor urban trinity principle of church, police and local government working together for the benefit of the community.