The charity’s objects (“the objects”) are:
3.1.1 to relieve and assist in the relief of sickness and distress amongst persons who
have, or are recovering from drug, alcohol and other addictions by the provision of
treatment, rehabilitation programmes and accommodation;
3.1.2 to provide education and information services in order to try to prevent persons
becoming addicted to drug alcohol or other substances;
3.1.3 to provide support for the families of persons who are addicted to drug alcohol and
other substances, including advice assistance and support services for the families
of such persons; and
3.1.4 to promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people (in particular
but not limited to women who are vulnerable) from becoming socially excluded by
relieving the needs of such people who are socially excluded and assisting them
to integrate into society by all means that are charitable in law.
3.2 for the purpose of this article 3, “‘socially excluded’” means being excluded from society,
or parts of society, as a result of one of more of the following factors: substance abuse or
dependency including alcohol and drugs; discrimination on the grounds of sex, race,
disability, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation or gender re-assignment;
unemployment; financial hardship; poor educational or skills attainment; relationship and
family breakdown; poor housing (that is housing that does not meet basic habitable
standards); crime (either as a victim of crime or as an offender rehabilitating into society).
3.3 for the purpose of this article 3, “vulnerable” means women who have been (or who are at
risk of being) sexually exploited or physically, sexually, emotionally or psychologically
abused, or women who have experienced (or who are at risk of experiencing)
homelessness, ill health (mental or physical) or substance misuse problems.