The company’s objects are (for the benefit of the public in the united kingdom and overseas):
21.1 the promotion of sustainable development by:
21.1.1 the conservation, protection and improvement of the environment and the
prudent use of resources; and
21.1.2 the promotion of sustainable means of achieving economic growth and
21.2 the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship, and the improvement of the conditions
of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities;
21.3 the relief of human sickness and disabilities, and the preservation of human health;
21.4 the promotion of humane behaviour towards animals, and the prevention of cruelty and
suffering among animals;
21.5 the promotion of good citizenship;
21.6 the advancement of education of the public in the above and related matters; and
21.7 the advancement of such other objects which are charitable under the law of england and
sustainable development means “development which meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.