Rugby League Cares

Fundraise for Rugby League Cares

The charity’s objects (“objects”) are specifically restricted to the following:
4.1.1 organising or providing or assisting in the organisation and provision of facilities which will enable and encourage pupils of schools and universities and members of youth organisations in any part of the united kingdom or other foreign jurisdiction to play rugby league football and other games or sports and thereby to assist in ensuring that due attention is given to the physical education and development of such pupils as well as to the development and occupation of their minds and with a view to furthering this object:
(a) to provide or assist in the provision of rugby league football or games or sports equipment for the use of such pupils as aforesaid;
(b) to provide or assist in the provision of courses, lectures, demonstrations and coaching for pupils of schools and universities and members of youth organisations in any part of the united kingdom or other foreign jurisdiction and for teachers who organise or supervise playing and coaching of rugby league football or other games or sports at such schools and universities and youth organisations as aforesaid;
(c) to promote provide or assist in the promotion and provision of training colleges for the purposes of training teachers in the coaching of rugby league football or other games or sports at such schools and universities and youth organisations as aforesaid; and
(d) to lay out manage equip and maintain or assist in the laying out, management, equipment or maintenance of playing fields or appropriate indoor facilities or accommodation to be used for the teaching and playing of rugby league football or other sports.
4.1.2 organising or providing or assisting in the organisation or provision of facilities for physical recreation in the interests of social welfare in any part of the united kingdom (with the object of improving the conditions of life for the boys and girls for whom the same are provided) for persons who by reason of their social and economic circumstances have need of such facilities.
4.1.3 providing such financial and other assistance as the trustees shall deem fit for the provision, establishment, development and improvement of facilities for the playing of rugby league or rugby league in conjunction with other sports (“facilities” means land and buildings (including pitches, pavilions and stadia), equipment and organising sporting events and related activities).
4.1.4 advancing the education of the public at large in all matters relating to the heritage, history and development of rugby league and its antecedents in particular (but not exclusively) by:-
(a) establishing, maintaining and operating a museum open to the public for the permanent exhibition and preservation of rugby memorabilia and other items of educational artistic and/or historic value or significance;
(b) collecting, collating and archiving documents or other materials (in whatever medium) of educational artistic and/or historic value or significance which shall be made available in the public domain and promoting the perusal and use of such materials for research purposes.
(c) promoting interest in rugby league through the arts and other creative means as the trustees think fit in accordance with the law of charity.
4.1.5 to provide financial assistance to persons who play or who have played or who are or have been associated with the game of rugby football league in the united kingdom or other foreign jurisdiction and who are in need of support by reason of poverty, age or physical or mental infirmity or disability.

Fundraise for Rugby League Cares

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