1. for the benefit of the public, to advance, promote and further the
conservation, maintenance and protection of:-
wildlife and its habitats;
ii places of natural beauty;
iii places of zoological, botanical, geographical, archaeological
or scientific interest;
iv features of landscape with geological, physiographical, or
amenity value;
in particular, but not ex.clusively, in ways that further biodiversity.
2. to advance the education of the public in:
i. the principles and practice of sustainable development
the principles and practice of biodiversity conservation.
3. to promote research in all branches of nature study and to publish the
useful results thereof.
4. to promote public access to and appropriate use of open spaces, places
of natural beauty and places of zoological, botanical, geographical,
archaeological or scientific interest, for the purpose of enjoyment,
exercise and recreation.
sustainable development is primarily defined as “development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs” (brundtland commission).