The charity’s objects are to promote human rights (as set out in the universal declaration of human rights and subsequent united nations conventions and declarations) throughout the world by all or any of the following means:
1) the reduction and eradication of human trafficking in all its forms, including the adoption of means by which to combat modern slavery;
2) the prevention and relief of suffering of the victims of human trafficking and other modern forms of slavery by providing medical, psychological, educational, social and other support services to such persons;
3) the relief of financial and other hardship of the victims of human trafficking and other modern forms of slavery;
4) the promotion of research into all aspects of human trafficking and modern slavery and the dissemination of the useful results of such research; and
5) the advancement of the education of the public in the causes, manifestations and consequences of human trafficking and other modern forms of slavery and the provision of related advice and support to government bodies, police forces, border and immigration agencies and other enforcement organisations.