The Zoological Society Of East Anglia Limited

Fundraise for The Zoological Society Of East Anglia Limited

4.1.a for the public benefit, the advancement of education in zoology and related subjects, by:
4.1.a.i inspiring stimulating encouraging and sustaining interest and enthusiasm in the general public in zoology and the knowledge and study of animals and other wildlife by establishing and running one or more zoological gardens or similar scientific exhibitions;
4.1.a.ii promoting and carrying out scientific study and research into animals and other wildlife and natural history and related scientific fields in particular where such study and research could help the conservation of species and habitats and the maintenance and restoration of natural habitats and publishing or otherwise disseminating the useful results of such research;
4.1.a.iii inspiring and engaging with the general public in matters relating to the living world and the environment and general environmental protection.
4.1.b the advancement of animal welfare by:
4.1.b.i promoting and carrying out scientific study and research into animals and other wildlife and natural history and related scientific fields in particular where such study and research could help the conservation of species and habitats and the maintenance and restoration of natural habitats;
4.1.b.ii promoting and contributing to and supporting the conservation of animals and wildlife and in particular threatened species;
4.1.b.iii promoting and contributing to and supporting conservation programmes both in situ and ex situ;
4.1.b.iv inspiring and engaging interest of the general public in animals and wildlife and in particular threatened species;
4.1.b.v promoting and contributing to the conservation of animals and other wildlife, biodiversity and natural habitats in the uk and worldwide; the appropriate breeding and or maintaining of endangered animals and threatened species and other wildlife;
4.1.b.vii establishing and running one or more zoological gardens or similar scientific exhibitions.
4.1.c the advancement of environmental protection by:
4.1.c.i promoting and contributing to and supporting the conservation of animals and other wildlife and in particular threatened species;
4.1.c.ii inspiring and engaging interest of the general public in conservation of animals and other wildlife and in particular threatened species;
4.1.c.iii promoting and contributing to the conservation of animals and other wildlife, biodiversity and natural habitats in the uk and worldwide;
4.1.c.iv engaging with the general public in matters relating to the living world and the environment and general environmental protection;
4.1.c.v promoting and contributing to and supporting conservation programmes both in situ and ex situ.
4.1.d the advancement of such other charitable objects and purposes as the trustees may in their sole discretion determine from time to time.

Fundraise for The Zoological Society Of East Anglia Limited

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