Ujamaa Children’s Trust

Fundraise for Ujamaa Children’s Trust

The trust deed is based on the charity law association model trust deed. the objects are as follows:
2.2 the objects of the charity are to provide relief from poverty, destitution, misfortune and helplessness and the advancement of education to vulnerable children and orphans and their families, including but not limited to the provision of;
2.2.1 appropriate permanent housing for such children until they are able to support themselves;
2.2.2 healthy and nutritious food, clothing and medical supplies and basic needs of such children and the preservation and protection of their good health;
2.2.3 access to good quality primary and secondary schooling and the provision of all relevant school materials including stationery, uniforms, books and other equipment;
2.2.4 access to education such as university or vocational training;
2.2.5 a home that is happy and safe where such children can live together as a family and grow to be responsible, kind, empowered adults;
2.2.6 assistance to support the integration of such children into main stream society when they are of an appropriate age by providing them with training such as english, computer skills, cooking, cleaning and all general life skills and values so that they may go out on their own as adults and support themselves;
2.2.7 to assist government or other initiatives on the eradication of the problems affecting such children;
2.2.8 to work for the protection, development and survival of such children;
2.2.9 to do all lawful acts as are compatible with the objectives of the organisation.

Fundraise for Ujamaa Children’s Trust

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