The objects of the cio are:
(a) to advance the christian faith for the benefit of young people in accordance with the statement of faith appearing in appendix 1 throughout the world and in par-ticular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) in gloucestershire and its environs;
(b) the advancement of the christian faith mainly, but not exclusively by means of proclaiming christian messages of an evangelistic and teaching nature through-out the world and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the fore-going) in gloucestershire and its environs;
(c) to demonstrate, promote and encourage christian values, including dignity, em-powerment and partnership to all young people throughout gloucestershire and its environs;
(d) the advancement of the education of children and young people through support and mentoring in schools, colleges and other educational establishments, through lunchtime and after school clubs, street based youth work and other youth provision to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capacities, that they may grow to full maturity as individuals, and that their condition of life may be improved;
(e) to relieve poverty and sickness thereby demonstrating the christian faith by promoting overseas service, education, practical action and working with those affected, either directly or through relevant relief agencies.