Extra Time Project

The Extra Time Project works with young people on the verge of exclusion from mainstream school to give them a period of respite and help re-integrate them into mainstream school. Inspiring social action through SuperKind helps these pupils develop values and feelings of empathy and kindness, amongst others. 

Why did you decide to sign up for the Super Kind Social Impact Schools Award?

Extra Time Project is an alternative provision in the Russell Martin Foundation. We work with young people on the verge of exclusion from mainstream school, for a variety of reasons including: behaviour, SEND, the ability to access the curriculum, lack of attendance, anxiety, and more. These young people often lack empathy and the ability to understand kindness. The SuperKind Social Impact Schools Award seemed like a fantastic idea to spark these emotions within the young people we serve.

We liked the idea that we could log and collect badges accross our 3 different sites and create some healthy competition to engage our students.

As an SEN school, is social action a big focus?

As an alternative provision we work with young people with ADHD, Autism and a variety of other undiagnosed SEND. We work to inspire young people to re-engage and believe in themselves by helping them to understand their local community, journal and take part in game-based learning. Social action plays a vital part in our curriculum. Through social action we empower our young learners to believe that they can make a difference to their local community and help them think empathetically about issues that may affect them and those around them.

Making terrariums with plastic bottles found on the beach

Through social action we empower our young learners to believe that they can make a difference... and help them think empathetically about issues... around them...."

How did you introduce the Award at your school?

We delivered The Social Impact Schools Award accross our learning centres on 3 different cites. We asked pupils in each site to research their local demographic and discuss issues within the local area. Students were given the lead on deciding which areas they were motivated to improve and make a difference on. Our pupils decided to carry out beach and park clean ups and are now assessing the impact that they had on those that use these areas, as well as on local wildlife. The Social Impact Schools Award, and badges and certificates provides as part of the registration, helped provide a clear goal and framework to inspire our pupils. The award also enabled us to showcase the impact that this type of project can have.

Do you have any tips for how other SEN schools might take part in the award/use SuperKind?

Taking part in The SuperKind Social Impact Schools Award has been a brilliant way to introduce young people to the concept of social action and inspire them to think about how they can make a difference to themselves and others. Logging actions on the SuperKind website has helped us recognise and celebrate actions taken by students and remind them of their impact. It has enabled us to create displays to help students keep track of their impact and build motivation and momentum. We are especially pleased with the extent to which our pupils have been able to lead on their own initiatives and ideas!

Meeting local veterans and making them tea and biscuits