Harrow Lodge Primary

Students at Harrow Lodge Primary in Havering, East London, are working hard towards the SuperKind Social Impact Schools Award. Headteacher Lynette Searle and Head of PSHE Nicola Bednarczuk share their journey so far!

Harrow Lodge Primary

Why did you decide to sign up for the SuperKind Social Impact Schools Award?

We signed up for the Social Impact Schools Award not only to be recognised for the social actions that we already take, but also to inspire and empower a whole-school, unified, approach. As a school we feel it’s really important to find our place within and become part of the local community. We are committed to the idea of joining in and helping to make a difference and the Award helps us to reflect this. We recognise that our students are citizens of the future, and feel that it is incredibly important that we put the power in their hands to make the world a better place.

Harrow Lodge Primary

How did you introduce the Award at your school?

The Award was introduced to staff within our school INSET days and to students via a whole school assembly. SuperKind provided wonderful resources, and a great video, to help us introduce the concept to our students in the most engaging and meaningful way. They took to the idea amazingly well and were instantly asking questions like, ‘What Can I Do To Help?’.

We also put together a poster about the Award, that features in every classroom. The poster offers ideas and starting points for actions that our students can take. It really helps to create a sense of continuity and cohesion throughout the whole school.

What are some examples of social actions that the Award has led you to take?

One of our most successful social actions has been the Eyes for Africa campaign. We have been completely overwhelmed by the support our children have given this campaign, going above and beyond by not only donating their own glasses, but also knocking on neighbours’ doors and rallying friends and family donations too. Each time our students collect more glasses to donate, they come running to us asking for a SuperKind badge! It’s clear that the students love the idea of making a difference and are motivated by the logging and recognising of their actions. 

Harrow Lodge Primary

We’ve also enjoyed celebrating a number of our students’ individual initiatives, including sponsored runs for Great Ormond Street Hospital, bake sales, car boot sales, litter-picking and more!

The Award has inspired us to take bigger and bolder actions..."

Harrow Lodge Primary

But the Award hasn’t just motivated our students, it’s motivated our staff too! We’re thinking more about how we can broaden our impact and move beyond ‘Bring in £1 for non-uniform day.’  The Award  has inspired us to take bigger and bolder actions, for example through the partnership we’ve developed with a care home in Romford. When walking past the care home on our way to swimming, some of our staff were inspired to get involved. We’ve since been to visit and have made a plan to bring our students in to read, sing, and take part in activities with the residents. Likewise, the residents are going to visit our school and be hosted by our wonderful students.

What difference has the SuperKind Social Impact Schools Award made at your school?

Signing up for the Award has definitely got our staff and students talking more about social action. It’s really helped to bring social action to the front of our minds and incorporate it into everything we do, rather than just fitting it in here and there.

On an individual level, we’ve noticed the amazing skills and values that the children are picking up from taking part in social action. We’ve seen increased confidence, improved resilience, and a desire to want to persevere and do something for the common good.

On a school level, our social action journey has led to an amazing change in culture and improvement in behaviour. As soon as we started to encourage children to think about others before themselves it completely changed the way they behave and think of others.

It’s been a real joy to see how well the children are engaging with the Award and the extent to which they want to make a difference.

Harrow Lodge Primary