SuperKind Was Built By:

Keren Mitchell

Keren Mitchell


I founded SuperKind because I love seeing the passion that children have for causes that they care about. I hope that SuperKind can encourage more children to learn, be inspired and take action to make change happen.

Natasha Freeman

Natasha Freeman

Anoushka Freeman

Anoushka Freeman

Head of Operations

I focus on processes and problem-solving for the team. I work on SuperKind by day and kayak on the Thames by night. I dream of a world in which rivers are free of sewage and plastic pollution.

Emma Ryu

Web Developer

I coordinate the team of web developers working on SuperKind. Life Below water is cause close to my heart, as it is a fascinating place to investigate. I used to adopt a dolphin in Scotland called Whiskey with WWF.

Chris Ryu

Web Developer

I oversee the web development of SuperKind. I am passionate about improving education for all. I set up a STEM education centre to encourage the next generation into STEM fields. I get excited by the next generation being smarter and more innovative than us. As Sir Isaac Newton said, ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants’.

Dave Smith

Dave Smith

Web Developer

I lead on the development of the fundraising platform on SuperKind. I believe there’s a severe lack of money, finance and basic economics education at the primary and secondary levels that needs to be corrected if we’re to steer the ship right and lift future generations out of poverty.

Andrew McCabe

Web Developer

I work on the web development of SuperKind. The cause I support is education. The ability to communicate with and understand the world around us helps society become more accepting and open-minded.

Bekka Grainger

Web Developer

I work on the design aspect of web development on SuperKind. Marine mammals have been my favourite animals since I was a little girl. Whether it’s because of the toxins and plastics in their bodies or a lack of food, marine mammal populations are declining. I would hate to my lifelong favourite animals face extinction.

Becky Michael

Becky Michael


I have been responsible for editing many of the pages on SuperKind. I grew up by the Great Lakes when the water and air were still clean and cares most about protecting the planet for future generations.

Febe Meyer

Febe Meyer


I have written the educational pages on SuperKind. I hope that SuperKind can show everyone how to work together to keep the planet and the humans on it healthy and happy.

Jess Moorhouse

Jess Moorhouse


I create all the illustrations throughout the site. I try to donate and raise money for as many charities as I can. I particularly like to send regular donations to dog welfare charities as I have my own rescue pup Duke, who makes my world a brighter place!

Marie Rumler

Marie Rumler


I have helped to develop the framework of rules (the terms and conditions) on SuperKind. I am keen to make sure that all children have access to nutritious food and a good education.

Anna Jeary

Anna Jeary

Video producer

I helped to create the SuperKind brand film. I grew up with foster siblings and am passionate about making the world a better place so children in care get the best opportunities in life.

Kayode Abiodun

Kayode Abiodun

Video editor

I produced the toolkit videos for SuperKind. I envision a future where social media is used to create a positive societal impact and promote inclusivity.

Siu Yen Wong

Siu Yen Wong

Marketing executive

I have had the honor of helping with the branding and messaging of SuperKind. I am passionate about topics and organisations related to children, diversity, equity & inclusion, inequality and poverty, and gender and social mobility.

Eugene Reisch

Creative Director

I have planned the look and feel of SuperKind SuperKind based on my 20 years’ experience working with some of the world’s best loved kids and family brands. As a dad of 2 girls I hope for every child to understand that kindness is a superpower… one they can use to genuinely change the world.

Sarah Hardaker

Sarah Hardacker


I administer the financial side of SuperKind.  When I’m not busy updating spreadsheets, I can usually be found busily growing veggies in my back in garden in sunny Sussex. I love seeing the empathetic nature of my three young children develop with the help of SuperKind.

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