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The Friends of St Lawrence Colour Fun Run 2024 – Lime Class

On Friday 14th June, I am taking part in the first St Lawrence Sponsored Colour Fun Run and I am hoping that you will sponsor me.

I will be running an assault course with my class mates whilst being sprayed with coloured paint.

We are hoping to fundraise as a class and I will let you know how we get on.

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Jemma Morris


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Nanna and Granpa

“Good Luck Tom!”


2 months ago


“Go Tom, go!”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago


“Good luck Lime class!”


2 months ago

Andy Johstone

“Good luck Henry and all
Love Grandad”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago


“Go Henry and Lime Class!”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago


“Good luck Henry and everyone in Lime class. Have lots of fun!”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Nanny June

“Good luck Artie and friends!”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Anna & Lauren

“Have a wonderful colour run Lime Class! 🌈”


2 months ago

Katie heffernan

“Have an amazing time lime class.”


+£3.75 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Alice Johnstone

“Good luck Henry and all of Lime class! Have lots of fun! Love Mum and Dad xx”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Aunty Cat 😻

“Go go gorgeous girl #BlossBoss 👊🏻💜
Smash this fundraiser, have fun and laugh like crazy 😝
Love aunty Cat, uncle Steve, Fifi, Leo and RoRo


2 months ago

Aunty Lizzie & smellyfoot

“Good luck Blossom and have fun.
We love you loads,
Aunty Lizzie, Uncle Nic Nic and Ophelia


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Clare Hyde

“Good luck Blossom and all your friends on you fun run.
Love you lots
Nanna and Grandad”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Louise Westmoreland

“Go Beautiful Blossy!! We can't wait to hear all about it! We love you! Love Auntie Loulou and your cousins!! ❤️ xxx”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago



+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

The Talbots


2 months ago

The Byfords

“Good luck Lime class!!”


+£6.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Nanny Bridget

“Good Luck Lime Class and Dylan!! Love Nanny x”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Aimee and Will

“Go Fletcher!! Lime class can rock it this year!”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Ben and Paula Clifford

“Have great fun Artie and Lime class running through all of that paint 😊”


+£3.75 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Ellie & Qasim

“Good luck Zakariya
Lots of love Mum and Dad”


2 months ago

Louisa Argent

“Good Luck Ava and all of Lime Class. Have fun!”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Leanne Lackmaker

“Good luck Dylan! Love Auntie, Uncle, Ollie and Charlotte x”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Vicky & Grant

“Go Blososm flower !
And Have fun Lime class super stars !

Love mamma and daddy x”


2 months ago

Mr. & Mrs. L. Rozmaryn

“Good luck Lime class. Go Dylan go!”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago


“Have great fun Grace and classmates!”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Nana and Simon

“Bea Jenkins, enjoy the assault course, we hope you end up looking like a rainbow! xxx”


+£12.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Gwydion, Mabon, Uncle Rich and Auntie Nini

“Go Maeve and all your friends in Lime class!”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Craig, Sarah & Noah

“Go, Maeve and Lime Class! Can't wait to see your lovely smiley faces covered in colourful paint. xxx”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago


“Good luck Poppy and Lime class!”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

The Jenkins Family

“Good luck and have fun Lime Class and Bea! Xx”


+£6.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago



2 months ago

The Richardson’s

“Good luck Grace!”


2 months ago

Carol & Colin Auld

“Good luck and have a great time!”


2 months ago

Auntie Vikki

“Good Luck Grace, you will do amazing 💜 xx”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Aunty Stuart & Uncle Amy


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Claire Allen

“Good luck to you all in Lime class!”


2 months ago

Sarah Mackintosh


+£6.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago


“Good luck Oliver and Lime class! Enjoy the run! 🌟”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Nana and Grandad Poole

“Go Alara go, and good luck to all Lime class. Hope you have lots of fun.”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Omoleye OGUNJI


2 months ago

John and Mon

“Good luck Jake and Lime class. Hope you have lots of fun!”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Tim Poole

“Go Alara! Hope you all have lots of fun”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

Lucy and Tris

“Go Tom! Good luck to all in Lime class!”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago


“Good luck Lime class!”


+£1.25 Gift Aid

2 months ago


“Good luck Lime Class, have a great time!”


+£2.50 Gift Aid

2 months ago

DONATE TO The Friends of St Lawrence Colour Fun Run 2024 – Lime Class

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  • Our payment partner, Stripe, deducts a processing fee of 1.2% + 20p from all donations made with a major UK or EU card (other cards, including American Express, may incur higher fees). This goes straight to them (not to SuperKind) and is the lowest fee on the market. 100% of the net amount goes to your chosen charity.