Year 6 Make-A-Wish at Christmas

Year 6 have been busy organising their stall which will sell good quality pre-loved books, gifts, toys and a selection of home-made items. Donations of cakes are welcomed to be sold alongside the stall.

Over 60,000 children in the UK have been diagnosed with a critical condition, changing their lives and the lives of their families forever. For them, the joy of childhood is brought to an abrupt end, with treatment plans, hospital visits and sleepless nights taking over.

A wish revives a childhood stolen by critical illness. It brings light and joy to children and their loved ones and leaves a profound and lasting impact on all their lives.

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To promote and further the care and relief of children under the age of eighteen who have a terminal illness or who are suffering from a medical condition sufficiently life threatening to create a probability that the child will not survive beyond their eighteenth birthday, and in particular by granting feasible wishes of such children.

Print this QR code or show it to people so that they can scan it with their phone and donate to your page right away. It’s perfect for bake sales or any in-person fundraising events!
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School community

“Cash raised by stall held in school by Year 6 pupils.”


3 months ago

James Martin


3 months ago

Harry Wright

“Arthur is very happy with his mermaid! 🧜‍♀️”


3 months ago



3 months ago



3 months ago

Sophie Osman

“Thank you for the cakes 🥰”


3 months ago

DONATE TO Year 6 Make-A-Wish at Christmas

You are donating to the overall school/group campaign page. If you’d like to donate to an individual child’s fundraising page, please ask them for their URL.


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  • Our payment partner, Stripe, deducts a processing fee of 1.2% + 20p from all donations made with a major UK or EU card (other cards, including American Express, may incur higher fees). This goes straight to them (not to SuperKind) and is the lowest fee on the market. 100% of the net amount goes to your chosen charity.