St Helen’s RC Primary School

+£6.72 Gift Aid

St Helen’s Catholic Primary School, is a thriving school in the heart of Brixton. We are made up of a community where many have travelled from far and wide to be part of our family. As a school we aim to promote our pupils to make a conscious effort to be part of positive social action, both in and out of the classroom throughout the year. At the start of this Autumn term, we will be launching our annual Harvest Donation Drive, where each pupils will be encouraged to bring in ONE tinned food item to donate to a local food bank. Donations will be presented at our Harvest assembly on: Friday 6th October 2023.

UPDATE (19/10/23)– Our pupils donated a whopping 125.6kg of food donations to the Norwood and Brixton Foodbank during our annual harvest donations drive.

National Recycling Week (16/10/23 – 23/10/23)– We participated in National Recycling week by making a conscious effort to recycle the paper being used in each class throughout the week. Each class was given a green recycling bag to ensure all paper was separated from the general waste bins. Each classes school council representative ensure that each green bag was gathered in one central area in the school and then placed in the paper recycling bin provided by the council.


Featured Campaigns

218 social action badges earned

this academic year