The Brookfield School

+0 Gift Aid

The Brookfield School is delighted to be taking part in the Superkind programme. We will work to achieve the Social Impact Schools Award, that will formally recognise and celebrate the amazing social actions our children take over the school year.

Social action is a key part of personal and character development, encouraging children to think about others and to make a positive to contribution to society. We know that by getting involved in things like volunteering, campaigning and fundraising, children are growing themselves while also benefiting the world around them. 

Fundraising activities and community work we do in school will earn the children badges. Children are also encouraged to think of ways that they can take social action when they are at home – this can be anything from helping pick up litter on the streets outside your house, doing a sponsored walk, making posters to encourage others to do the right thing, pledging to walk/cycle to school instead of driving, etc.

In school we will recognise contributions as follows;

Individual, class and house recognition – children will earn bronze, silver then gold digital badges each time they complete an act with social impact. There are 12 categories of social action so 36 badges to earn. Outstanding contributions will be celebrated in celebration assembly.

Whole school recognition – if every child earns at least one badge, the school will receive the Social Impact Schools Award in celebration of outstanding school contribution to making a difference and changing the world for the better.

33 social action badges earned

this academic year